Bhaskar Oru Rascal is a 2018 Tamil comedy movie starring Arvind Swamy, Amala Paul and others. The story revolves around Bhask...
Audio Available in: Tamil
Bhaskar Oru Rascal is a 2018 Tamil comedy movie starring Arvind Swamy, Amala Paul and others. The story revolves around Bhaskar (Arvind Swamy) and Anu (Amala Paul), both single parent. Bhaskar's son named Aakash (Master Raghavan) and Anu's daughter named Shivani (Baby Nainika) study in the same school, and over time get close with each other. The kids then decide to get their respective single parent married, so, they could all be together. Will the kids succeed in their mission? Will Bhaskar and Anu get married for their children?
Audio Available in: Tamil
Bhaskar Oru Rascal is a 2018 Tamil comedy movie starring Arvind Swamy, Amala Paul and others. The story revolves around Bhask...
Audio Available in: Tamil
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Bhaskar Oru Rascal