Anumati is a 2013 Marathi drama film starring Vikram Gokhale and Reema Lagoo. The film was critically acclaimed and won the B...
Audio Available in: Marathi
Anumati is a 2013 Marathi drama film starring Vikram Gokhale and Reema Lagoo. The film was critically acclaimed and won the Best Feature Film award at the New York Indian Festival. Anumati revolves round the story of an elderly couple, where the wife goes into coma and the husband struggles to arrange funds for her treatment. The film highlights the problems faced by the elderly people and how they deal with it?
Audio Available in: Marathi
Anumati is a 2013 Marathi drama film starring Vikram Gokhale and Reema Lagoo. The film was critically acclaimed and won the B...
Audio Available in: Marathi
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