Akleche Kande is a 2001 Marathi movie starring Anand Abhyankar, Sanjay Bagul and Sunil Bansal. The film revolves around three...
Audio Available in: Marathi
Akleche Kande is a 2001 Marathi movie starring Anand Abhyankar, Sanjay Bagul and Sunil Bansal. The film revolves around three close friends Pandurang, Kashinath, and Baburao, employed in the same organization and live with their wives. All three are believers of different faith. They are in search of an appropriate match for their adopted sister, Anita. However, Anita rejects other boys and marries Abhijit, a man of her choice. Things later gets complicated when Kashinath and Baburao get arrested under false charges of embezzlement.
Audio Available in: Marathi
Akleche Kande is a 2001 Marathi movie starring Anand Abhyankar, Sanjay Bagul and Sunil Bansal. The film revolves around three...
Audio Available in: Marathi
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Akleche Kaande