Agantuk is Satyajit Ray’s last film and adapted from his short story Atithi, meaning guest. A family is paid an unexpected, a...
Audio Available in: Bengali
Agantuk is Satyajit Ray’s last film and adapted from his short story Atithi, meaning guest. A family is paid an unexpected, and rather unwanted, visit by a man claiming to be Anita’s long lost uncle. The initial suspicion with the man slowly dissolves as he regales them with stories of his travels. The family is suspicious of the stranger, believing him to be an imposter with a financial scam to sell, only to find him leave unexpectedly, leaving behind some insightful observations.
Audio Available in: Bengali
Agantuk is Satyajit Ray’s last film and adapted from his short story Atithi, meaning guest. A family is paid an unexpected, a...
Audio Available in: Bengali
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