8MM Bullet is a 2018 Kannada thriller movie starring Jaggesh, Vasishta.N.Simha and others. The story revolves around a honest...
Audio Available in: Kannada
8MM Bullet is a 2018 Kannada thriller movie starring Jaggesh, Vasishta.N.Simha and others. The story revolves around a honest police officer who accidentally loses his gun, that reach the hands of a common man. While the police officer tracks his missing gun, the common man uses the gun to rob a bank, kill his enemies and to teach a set of people a lesson that's due for long.
Audio Available in: Kannada
8MM Bullet is a 2018 Kannada thriller movie starring Jaggesh, Vasishta.N.Simha and others. The story revolves around a honest...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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8 Mm Bullet