123 from Amalapuram is a 2005 Telugu movie starring Ravi Prakash, Nitya Das, Raja Sridhar, and Anil. The story revolves aroun...
Audio Available in: Telugu
123 from Amalapuram is a 2005 Telugu movie starring Ravi Prakash, Nitya Das, Raja Sridhar, and Anil. The story revolves around three men from the Amalapuram village who get attracted to a girl from the city. However, their efforts in pleasing her go haywire after an unexpected incident puts their life out of gear.
Audio Available in: Telugu
123 from Amalapuram is a 2005 Telugu movie starring Ravi Prakash, Nitya Das, Raja Sridhar, and Anil. The story revolves aroun...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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123 From Amalapuram