Raj Mahal Dakini Ka Rahasya's story revolves around the story of ancient times when there used to be kings and queens. The ta...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Raj Mahal Dakini Ka Rahasya's story revolves around the story of ancient times when there used to be kings and queens. The tale is about a happily married king and queen who spread happiness in their kingdom after marrying each other. However, soon a bad sight falls on their happiness and the black and evil shadow of the Dakini appears to destroy everything. To save their kingdom and beautiful married life, the king and queen have to fight the evil Dakini and restore their peaceful lives. Raj Mahal will show a fairytale story of good winning over evil and recreate the magic of ancient tales and love stories.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Raj Mahal Dakini Ka Rahasya's story revolves around the story of ancient times when there used to be kings and queens. The ta...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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